Once Chairman of the Isle of Wight Conservative Association, Alan co-founded A J Wells and used to be an IW council Cabinet member, before being voted out of office.
Parents provide both passionate and forceful feedback following the Ofsted report placing the College in Special Measures. External Improvement Partner explains route to improvement.
An unknown IWC Constitution procedural rule has been discovered after two pages that were stuck together have been prised apart. Tories say they will co-opt LibDems onto ruling party and form a coalition. No elections are necessary as the ruling party are given permission to do as they wish.
UKIP say that the falsified-nomination accusations only came to light once they said no to Conservative requests to withdraw their candidate from Newport West.
Previously unseen seven page document from within the Isle of Wight Conservative Association continues detailed criticism of MP Andrew Turner over his expenses. Carole Dennett's role questioned.