This very entertaining, but informative Cafe Scientifique talk on a subject most people don’t know anything about takes place on Monday night from 7pm. You'll never look at Dinosaurs the same way again, especially ducks!
Cafe Scientifique will be holding a Bayology special on Friday evening with talks by three experts in their field. The discussions will centre around climate change and the rising sea levels in Sandown.
Dr Tracy Melvin, an Associate Professor at the Southampton University Optoelectronics Research Centre, will be giving the final talk of the season before the summer break. The talk takes place from 7pm on Monday 12th June.
Don't forget tonight's Cafe Scientifique is at a new venue, the Regency Suite above the Shanklin Conservative Club. This month's speaker is Garry Momber, Director of The Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology.
Cafe Scientifique marks the Halloween season by exploring the paranormal. Have you had an experience that could be classed as paranormal that you'd like to share with others? If so come along next Monday.
The season begins with what looks like a fascinating talk about how present day languages sound, compared to those spoken by our ancestors. No need to book, just turn up on the night.
Come along and find out more about how robotics research has significantly changed in the last ten years. You'll be able to see the hardware in person.