£35,000 proposal for Floating Bridge generators welcomed, but replacement progress lacks speed argues councillor
Wightlink’s vehicle ferries diverted via Portsmouth International Port for week-long terminal works (updated)
9, April 2011·1 min readCall For Referendum on Highways PFI And County Hall RemodellingOne Islander calls for a referendum on highways PFI and County Hall remodelling
8, April 2011·1 min readCllr Giles: Spraying Potholes Gold Is ‘Dangerous To Road Users’Better put on your sunglasses if you're driving in Newport
6, April 2011·2 min readCllr Welsford On £4.8m Accounting Error ClaimChris Welsford speak further on the £4.8m accounting error for the County Hall remodelling
30, March 2011·1 min readCllr Giles’ Responds Over PFI £1bn Island Economy BenefitCllr Giles responses over his 'benefit to the Island economy claim
30, March 2011·1 min readHighways PFI: Streetlamps Will Change to LED ModelsUnder the highways PFI thousands of streetlamps will be replaced with LED models
24, March 2011·3 min readGovernment Indicates £260m For IW Highways PFIMoney for potholes and less than expected for highways PFI
24, March 2011·1 min readHousing Development on RSPCA Land RejectedPlanning committee threw out plans to develop on land donated to the RSPCA for local wildlife
23, March 2011·1 min readPlanning A Royal Wedding Street Party?If you;re planning a street party for the Royal Wedding beware of red tape
1, March 2011·3 min readCllr Reg Barry’s Budget Amendment Speech (2011-12) to Full CouncilCllr Reg Barry's budget speech
1, February 2011·1 min readIW Council Scrap Signage ProjectNew signage scheme to improve tourist aspect of trails to be scrapped
20, January 2011·1 min read‘Geological Vent’ Opens In VentnorAnyone know what a 'geological vent' is?