Ventnor cascade
Thanks to a support from the East Wight Landscape Partnership’s ‘Down to the Coast’ project, the Ventnor Heritage Trail will be launched in Ventnor in 2016.
Lone Pine Cemetery
The Urry brothers from Newport are thought to be the only case where three brothers died in the same action on the same day during the First World War. Lieutenant Martin Heighway shares some fascinating facts about them and other Islanders who fought with the IOW Rifles 100 years ago.
Ventnor's national hospital:
If you didn't see this footage the first time it was screened (back in 1969) there's another chance now through BBC's iPlayer. The whole programme is worth watching but you can jump to 8.43 minutes in to see the Isle of Wight.
County Records Office:
Proposals to develop an improved facility for the storage and presentation of records held by the Isle of Wight Record Office are to be considered by a meeting of the council’s Executive on 9 December.