The emphasis on this budget is for the council to protect the vital services and look to town and parish councils or others to support other non statutory public services.
The Music Service will need to find savings in the next year during the transition period, but the Council Executive last night gave their commitment to supporting the Service for another year.
The chair of the Scrutiny Committee says he's staggered at what he calls the 'shameful' proposals being put forward by the council as part of a consultation on school places.
Last night IWC claimed the DfT had confirmed with them that Island Line would be in the Franchise. Today the DfT are saying it's not been decided. What is going on?
The Island Independent councillors say that the new measures mean they can hopefully avoid more of the damaging cuts in front line services that have been forced upon them in recent years.
There is a recommendation to not endorse the STP document, which Labour councillor, Geoff Lumley believes is "an attempt by a Tory Government quango, NHS England to undermine and close down many of our highly-valued NHS services."
The annual conference, this year focusing on safeguarding in the context of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, is jointly run by the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Board & the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Whilst some councillors believe the work of the Transport and Infrastructure Task Force will see the return of steam trains to Isle of Wight railway lines, one councillor believes it is 'pure and utter fantasy'.