Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
7, September 2011·1 min readJoin The Hop Picking At Ventnor Botanic Garden TodayCome down to the Botanic Garden and help out with hop picking today from 10am. All ages and abilities welcome.
7, September 2011·1 min readHop Picking Continues Thursday MorningMore volunteers needed to help pick the hops before Sunday.
23, September 2011·1 min readDisposal Of Ventnor Botanic GardenThe council's recommendation: "To transfer Ventnor Botanic Garden by inviting expressions of interest in a property disposal". A good idea?
30, September 2011·1 min readTropicAle: Celebrate Launch At Family BarbecueCome down to Ventnor tomorrow to help celebrate the launch of TropicAle, a new beer made by Yates Brewery from hops grown at the botanic garden.
3, October 2011·1 min readVentnor Botanic Garden Disposal: The Countdown BeginsBotanic Garden will be put up for sale after Cllr Barry Abraham makes Delegated Decision
7, October 2011·1 min readVentnor Botanic Garden: Expressions Of Interest InvitedThe council invite 'expressions of interest' in the disposal of the Ventnor Botanic Garden.
20, October 2011·1 min readVentnor Botanic Break-in Last Night (updated)It's thought that hundreds of pounds of visitors' donations were stolen
1, November 2011·1 min readVentnor Botanic Garden: Council Shy Over Expressions of Interest (updated)Why won't the council reveal the number of expressions of interest they've received for the Ventnor Botanic Garden
1, November 2011·1 min readCCTV Images Of Ventnor Botanic Garden Robbery ReleasedDo you recognise the person in these CCTV images of the robbery taking place at the Ventnor Botanic Garden?
15, November 2011·1 min readBody Recovered From Cliffs Near Botanic Garden (Updated)Looks like sad news. We understand a body have been recovered.
25, November 2011·1 min readVentnor Botanic Garden: Number Of Bidders RevealedTwo bidders are revealed for Ventnor Botanic Garden
28, November 2011·1 min readVentnor Botanic Garden: 18 Showed InterestedOnly only two bids were finally submitted, 18 people showed an interest, one of which was from the USA. Decision on the bids due next Spring.