Looking for something to do this weekend? Why not head out to the coast and take part in the Wetland Bird Survey. Sunday is the last day of the national survey of wintering waterbirds.
If you're coming to Ventnor for the Isle of Arts Festival on Sunday 4th May and have some free time in between acts, why not head to upper Ventnor for the Spring Wild Food Walk with Natural Wight.
Celebrate the Isle of Wight Biosphere later this month at the Fort Vic Foray with wildlife discovery, bird watching, woodland walks, seagrass, seashore and fossil walks
One VB reader shares their view on the decision by the Ventnor Town Council to employ the services of a Harris Hawk to deal with a pigeon problem in the town. He says they should have consulted the experts first.
Maggie Nelmes urges others to support campaign by the Good Law Project and Marine Conservation Society to protect our rivers, waterways and beaches from untreated raw sewage. Here's how
The elusive bird’s haunting sound has been the subject of myths, poetry, and preservation efforts, but it faces an uncertain future as councillors approve development, says Stella Davis from the Ryde Society