Volunteers with Truck 13 of MAD-Aid donations for Ukraine - May 2022

Aid for Ukraine and Moldova ‘still very much needed’ says MAD-Aid founder

As the war in Ukraine grinds on, MAD-Aid and many volunteers from the Isle of Wight continue to collect and distribute aid to Ukraine and Moldova.

Donations are slowing down now, but aid is still badly needed, not just for the front lines but for displaced families arriving on the Island too.

Stoker: Families are arriving with their whole lives in carrier bags
Sarah Stoker, who with her husband Lee started the Island’s aid effort, said

“We need more donations of food and white goods to send to the camps on the border, into Ukraine and to Moldova to help establish homes for those that are staying there.

“So far, we have 60+ people, 25+ families here on the Isle of Wight, and we desperately need more things for the children, most importantly clothes.

“These families are arriving in many cases with their whole lives in carrier bags! I know you have all exceeded expectations in your generosity. We need more, and I know you will do all you can, so thank you in advance.”

Dunford: Behind every number is a story, and most of them break your heart
MAD-Aid’s founder Victoria Dunford says,

“We knew our work could make a huge impact, and we shipped the very first truck from the Isle of Wight just eight days after the war started.

“Since then, we have sent 13 trucks containing anything from toothpaste to camp beds, washing machines and fridges to survival equipment and most recently, 100 beds donated by Swansea hospital.

“We are getting more and more requests every day from Ukraine and Moldova, and we’ve reached the stage when we cannot fulfil every request. The numbers of displaced Ukrainians is going up.

“Behind every number is a story, and most of them break your heart. We are welcoming Ukrainians on the Isle of Wight. They are afraid of the unknown, and we want to thank their hosts who are doing so much to welcome them to our wonderful Island.”

Aid needed now

  • Long shelf-life food
  • White goods such as washing machines, fridges, freezers, electric cookers
  • Single use cutlery, glasses, plates
  • Hygiene products
  • Washing powder
  • Washing-up liquid
  • Cleaning products
  • Pampers – all sizes
  • Spring and summer clothes
  • Single beds
  • Saucepans / cutlery
  • Electrical kettles
  • Towels and single bedding


  • Painkillers
  • Dressings
  • Sleeping bags
  • Diapers for adults – wounded soldiers
  • Tents and camp beds
  • Food – long shelf life
  • Torches
  • Blankets and single bedding

Any funds towards transport will be greatly appreciated and can be donated via the Website or via the appeal’s JustGiving page.

News shared by Ann on behalf of MAD-Aid. Ed

Image: Volunteers with Truck 13 of MAD-Aid donations for Ukraine – May 2022

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