All West Wight Primary School’s Broadband Cut Off For Weeks

All of the schools in the West Wight had their Internet access cut off, some for nearly a month, since 16th September. All are still without broadband access.

West Wight Schools Internet Cut-offThe schools affected are

  • All Saints C Of E Primary School
  • Brighstone C Of E (Aided) Primary School
  • Shalfleet C Of E Primary School
  • St Saviour’s Catholic Primary School
  • Yarmouth C Of E (Aided) Primary School
  • Weston Community School

We’re thankful for the VB reader who got in touch about this so we can get the message out to the whole Island.

How did it happen?
The cause? The dismantling of West Wight Middle School.

What the council and their dedicated ‘Schools Infrastructure’ project team failed to plan for or consider, was that all of those schools in the West of Wight were each connected to the West Wight Middle school.

By authorising the removal of equipment from West Wight Middle, none of those Primary schools now have their usual access to the Internet.

Truly shocking considering how important the Internet is to education these days.

VB‘s been told that the council have for weeks been desperate to keep this quiet. Not surprising.

Sheer incompetence
This tale of incompetence doesn’t stop there. VB understands that these near-four weeks of zero Internet will be extended until the end of October.

Unusually we weren’t at this Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting (unlike IW Radio and the CP), so it’s only with today’s release of the Cabinet papers did VB hear the question raised about this at the meeting by Mr Miller of Cowes (below). [audio:]

Cllr Dawn Cousins
Cllr Dawn Cousins reply was, “We are aware of the problem. We are working very hard to put it right.”

Given the schools have already been suffering since the 16th September without their wired-Internet access, many may question that.

It’s also at odds with what VB has been told Janet Newton, IW council Head of Schools Infrastructure wrote in an email, along the lines of, ‘If you come up with any ideas, please let us know.”

Schools have been told that they won’t re-gain their Internet access until 28th October – a month and a half since 16th September.

A little levity
Cllr Cousins went on to say, “All the schools affected have been contacted today.” Not having access to the Internet is something that we’d imagine the schools didn’t need to be told about.

Amusingly Mr Miller replied, “I hope notifications wasn’t via email to them.” Cllr Cousins hurriedly relied, “They was notified by telephone.”

How have you been affected?
Do you live in the West? How have you been affected by this? Do get in touch, either by commenting below, or by phone (898 777). We will not reveal your name, unless you want us to.