Andrew Turner Chooses Derek Sandy For Official Campaign Song

Andrew Turner Chooses Derek Sandy For Official Campaign SongConservative Parliamentary Candidate for the Isle of Wight, Andrew Turner, has chosen ‘Welcome to the Isle of Wight’ by Derek Sandy as his official campaign song.

Having the upbeat song about life on the Island by the musician from Trinidad and Tobago used in Mr Turner’s campaign ties in nicely with Derek’s forthcoming album launch.

He said, “I was pleased to give Andrew permission to use my song. I love the Island and anything that helps get across the message what a wonderful place it is to live and work is great”.

Mr Turner added, “Derek is a hugely popular local performer, and I have met him at a number of Island events. In this song he sings of the beauty of the Island, its interesting history and his love of his adopted home.

“Many of us feel like that so I thought it would be a perfect song for my re-election campaign. On top of that it is simply a great tune that gets into your head. Playing this music will cheer us all up and it will make a change from campaign vehicles going around the Island with a loudspeaker exhorting everyone to vote for one candidate or another.

“The song has already had over 44,000 hits on You Tube – and I hope that even more people will get to hear the song over the course of the campaign! I’m told that the song is sometimes played on the ferry to welcome visitors to the Island – I think that is a great idea.”

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