wolly and chris

Annual spring fayre raises over £3,500

Chris shares this great news from the Annual Spring Fayre. Ed

We now have the final figure for the Wessex Cancer Trust (WCT) Grand Spring Fete held at Freshwater Court last week.

The total raised this year was a whopping £3,541 – an all time record.

The event has become an annual community event and something of a pilgrimage for locals looking for plants, IOW tomatoes, WI cakes and hosts of bargains. The weather was fair, the breeze gentle and everyone enjoyed themselves throughout the day.

Wolly and friends

We were joined by the new mascot Wolly, launched to support the new children’s services now provided by the WCT.

Wolly spent the day entertaining everyone, including the children present.

In memory of Hiliary
The WCT fete was again held in cherished memory of my late wife Hiliary who supported the WCT for many years.

This year all the proceeds raised go to support the WCT Daisy Bus service that provides free transport to Islanders from the Redjet to Southampton Oncology Unit and from Hovercraft/Wightlink to Radiotherapy at Cosham.

Popular plant sale

Heartfelt thanks must go out to all those dedicated local volunteers that contributed to making the event such a success.

Generous donations
A number of very generous cheque and cash donations were made at the event:

Barbara Misner – £500
Hampshire & Isle of Wight Masonic Grand Charity (Tom Langton Fund) – £500
Brethren of Needles Lodge of Freemasons – £95

Plenty of bargains

We would also like to praise those Island enterprises that very kindly donated to the event and without whom it could not happen:

  • Alum Bay – Artisan Glass and treats from their Sweet Factory
  • Wight Salads – for their supremely popular tomatoes
  • Forest View Nursery – much needed repotting compost
  • Agar Farm Nursery – boundless healthy plants
  • Thompsons Nursery – alpine plants, herbs, border plants and hearty rhubarb crowns
  • Springbank Nurseries – hosts of flowering plants
  • Jubilee Garden Centre – vegetable plants and seed potatoes
  • Stan Hayden at John O’Conner – our hero for his enduring support
  • Busy Bee garden centre – raffle voucher
  • Honnor & Jeffrey – raffle prize
  • Isle of Wight Artists – original artwork
  • Isle of Wight Freemason Lodges – 20 raffle prizes, silent auction items, books, pictures and puzzles
  • John Packer at Jewsons – silent auction items
  • WI – mouthwatering cakes and scones
  • West Wight Rotary – Safe Parking (and endurance in their extensive cake testing)