Appeal To Islanders About Draft Shoreline Management Plan

Following on from our report last week that the Ventnor Town Council were requesting an extension to the deadline for comments on the Shoreline Management Plan, we hear further news today.

Firstly, we hear that the National Association for Local Councils (NALC) are investigating whether they can take legal action to put an injunction on the Isle of Wight council. Their aim is to have the deadline for comments extended by two weeks from 23 October. We’ll let you know once we hear more on that.

Consultation exhibition in Ventnor
We also hear that most of the travelling exhibition for the draft Shoreline Management Plan 2 is now situated in the foyer area of the Winter Gardens, on show for any local residents who did not make it along to any of the other Islandwide consultation days.

Appeal from reader for Islanders to act
In addition, we received an email from a VB reader this afternoon which, given the importance of the subject, we thought we’d share with you. We believe it has been sent widely around the Island, so you may have already seen it and joined the Facebook group mentioned at the bottom.

The Shoreline Management Plan – a roadmap for the Isle of Wight for 100 years and beyond
If you live on the Island this will affect you.

Dear Islander,

The Isle of Wight council is currently completing its Shoreline Management Plan Policy. This policy will determine the maintenance and spending on the entire coast of the Island for the next 20, 50 and 100 years.

No new coastal defences will be allowed to be constructed by private citizens or companies to protect against rising sea levels and changing weather conditions in areas that have not been designated.

The Isle of Wight Council claim that they have conducted an adequate public consultation to decide on the conditions of this policy. Their consultation has totalled 25 hours of exhibiting the draft plan. That is 25 hours throughout the entire Island. The south and south west coast has been effectively unrepresented despite the fact that it is to be all but abandoned to the elements. Although there is an exhibition of the plan in Ventnor, it has so far been hidden in clear sight. Very few people are aware of it’s existence and you can only see it by appointment and a fee of £1.

A new free exhibition has been launched in Ventnor at the Winter Gardens. Open all day, every day from 10am until 10pm. A feedback form is available so that you can comment. The Isle of Wight Council insist on a closing date of Saturday 23rd October. That’s this Saturday.

Ventnor Town Council is trying to get that date extended so that you can have a chance to have your say on this critically important issue, but they hold out little hope against the hubris of the Isle of Wight Council’s executives who know what’s best.

The Shoreline Management Plan will effect you. It will effect your family and children. It will effect the entire future of the Isle of Wight. Go along to the exhibition in Ventnor and have your say.

Please send this message right now to everybody you know who cares about the Isle of Wight.

Join the Facebook Group and help raise awareness for the campaign