Lora Peacey Wilcox

Attempt to oust council leader Lora Peacey Wilcox falters in Full Council meeting

At tonight’s full council meeting Councillor Chris Jarman’s attempt to remove the current leader of the council, Lora Peacey-Wilcox from her position, appeared to fall to pieces.

In a surprise turn of events, Councillor Julie Jones Evans (Alliance Group) asked that Councillor Jarman’s (Empowering Islanders Group) motion, which was due to be heard last, be brought to the top of the pile.

Motion withdrawn
This was approved by members and Councillor Jarman began … but he didn’t read out his motion.

Instead he explained that in May 2023 a document was distributed among councillors suggesting a motion whereby the leader of the council be removed and replaced by the then-Conservative leader, Councillor Joe Robertson.

That had apparently received some support, but it was decided to postpone the motion to avoid any electoral conflict at the Annual Council Meeting (where chairperson roles are agreed).

Lack of support from Conservatives
Councillor Jarman then went on to explain that the new leader of the Conservative Group of councillors, Suzie Ellis, had informed him that her Group did not wish to support the motion.

He mentioned that additional time had been requested to determine the proposed coalition’s policy and structure, as well as pointing out that members of the Conservative Party could not vote for a member of another group.

Correction of facts
Councillor Robertson (Con) asked for a correction of fact, he stated that at no time had he submitted a motion of no confidence, he had publicly acknowledged a draft being circulated, but it was never a motion and never submitted. 

He said the current submission had nothing to do with the original draft, nor did the preparation of it have anything to do with him.

Councillor Jarman accepted the correction, but added that the document had been submitted to Legal, but not as a formal submission.

Ellis: Does not reflect my approach
Councillor Suzie Ellis (Con) explained that the motion had been submitted without consultation with the vast number of Conservative councillors.

She said it didn’t reflect her approach as new leader of Conservative Group, nor the steps the Group will be taking going forward.

Brodie: I am not a Conservative and will always remain a socialist
Councillor Geoff Brodie (Ind Lab) said that he had been consulted about the original motion, which he thought was worthy of  debate.

However, he stated that he would never support the motion on the papers for tonight’s meeting. He said he was not a Conservative and would always remain a socialist.

The meeting swiftly moved on to the next item.