Funding is available for projects starting next summer that support victims, work with offenders and provide education and interventions to stop people from being exploited or engaging in criminal behaviour
The Youth Commission set out their recommendations of how policing and partner agencies can tackle the priorities, which include hate crime, serious violence and exploitation
If you have any burning questions for the region's Police chief you can send it to Donna Jones and she may ask it on your behalf, or do it yourself on Facebook Live event
The Police and Crime Commissioner says she's pleased that along with the arrests and seizures, a number of individuals have been safeguarded as a result of the police action
Donna Jones says the significant support for all nine priorities "clearly show these are the right ones for people living across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight"
The crime of modern slavery within the UK and our local area remains a significant threat with the number of victims identified rising each year, says the Police and Crime Commissioner