Storm troopers at Ventnor skatepark by John Nicholson

Becoming a member of Ventnor Skatepark could help them win bigger grants

As we’ve previously reported here at OnTheWight, Ventnor Skatepark is currently in the middle of a 12 month £50,000 fundraising campaign. The plan is to raise enough cash to build a permanent concrete skatepark on the current site, to put an end to the continual repairs that are needed to the wooden ramps.

Charitable status
The plans for the new concrete park at the eastern end of Ventnor esplanade are being developed at the moment, but the committee, who met this week, have also decided to apply for charitable status for the skatepark.

Zoe Thompson said,

“By becoming a recognised charity, it puts us in a much stronger position when we start applying for the big grant money next year.”

Become a member
This is where you can help. To meet the criteria for charitable status, Ventnor Skatepark need members.

Zoe went on to say,

“Being a member will mean that you have a say in the future of the park, and we’ll throw in some special competitions, giveaways and membership privileges as time goes on too.

“Members don’t have to reside in Ventnor, but do need to take an interest in what we are doing.”

Payment for membership will be £5 or £2 for those under 16. If you would like to become a member leave a comment on the Ventnor Skatepark Committee Facebook Group

Have you voted yet?
If you haven’t already, don’t forget to vote for John Cattle’s Skate Club to help them win £1,000 for new equipment from Mars now’s your chance.


Image: © John Nicholson