The bee swarm in the car park bush

Beekeeping masterclass: Watch swarm of bees being safely rehomed

Bee-loving Island Roads employee Alan Ransom created a buzz at his workplace when he used his apiarian expertise to rehome a swarm that had taken up temporary residence in the company car park.

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Around 2,000 bees had stopped off in a tree at Island Roads’ Dodnor HQ – most likely taking a rest in their search for a new hive.

Risk to those with an allergy to bees
Though not naturally aggressive, the bees posed a risk to any passer-by who has an allergy to stings so it was important the swarm was dealt with.

Alan Ransom heading to the swarm

Fortunately, Alan, who has been keeping bees for about five years, was on hand. After nipping home to collect his bee suit, he returned to gently shake the grapefruit-size swarm into a box. After waiting an hour for any stragglers to return, Alan then transported the insects to one of his hives at Marvel Solar Farm in Newport.

Ransom: I was pleased to be able to step in rehome them
They have since settled in nicely, joining Alan’s three other active hives which produce around 40 jars of honey each year.

Alan with the swarm in a box

Alan said,

“Usually a pest control company would be called out and in the first instance they would contact the IW Bee Keeping Association to arrange a safe removal. But the association is run by volunteers so they are naturally not always available so sometimes swarms are euthanised.

“In this case it was just fortunate the swarm stopped off at my place of work. I was pleased to be able to step in and remove them to safe new hive where they are now doing very well.”

Alan said the swarm had most likely, with a queen, left a hive nearby to look for a new habitat and taken a rest at Island Roads’ HQ while scouts were sent out to continue the search.

Island Roads has previously worked with the Isle of Wight Bee Keeping Association, to train its highway staff to identify the invasive Asian Hornet which poses a significant threat to our local bee population.

Watch Alan rehoming the swarm
Watch Alan removing and rehoming the swarm below. Click on the play button, then click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

News shared by Gavin behalf of Island Roads. Ed