Bestival Queues by WightDrone

Bestival 2016 Opening Day from the air: Photos and video

Thousands of revellers have been descending on to the Isle of Wight today heading to Bestival.

Thanks to Darren Vaughan from WightDrone for this aerial drone video footage and photos, taken at the Bestival site at 1.30pm today.

With the car park open from 9am and the campsites open at midday, it’s surprising to see so many tents already set up by 1.30pm. It shows that festival-goers are keen to get the maximum Bestival experience.

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Bestival Queues by WightDrone
Bestival Queues by WightDrone
Bestival Queues by WightDrone

Delays getting in
The delays getting into Bestival have been blamed on counterfeit wristbands being in circulation.

Earlier today Bestival tweeted,

Traffic in the area
If you’re not gong to Bestival, it’s best to avoid the area if you can. Check the traffic management plan for full details.

If you are heading to Bestival, you could consider leaving the car at home and take the bus instead.

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