Bestival: Live Video Reporting From VentnorBlog

Bestival: Live Video Reporting From VentnorBlogWe had some great feedback about the live video prize draw that we did on Tuesday evening for the Bestival ticket competition, and as the technology all seemed to work pretty well, we’re planning to try and do some live video broadcasts from Bestival over the next four days.

It all depends on mobile reception at the Robin Hill site, but this was vastly improved last year on previous years, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed.

We’ll be using a mobile phone, not broadcast quality cameras, so don’t expect it to look polished. We won’t be able to bring you an footage of acts performing, Channel Four have the rights to that, but we’ll chat with Bestival goers and give you a flavour of the atmosphere that has enveloped Robin Hill each September for the last five years.

All you have to do is click on the banner at the top (under the VB logo) to open the page that will host the live broadcasts – for the sake of our privacy (and our phone bill) the feeds won’t be on 24hrs a day, so rather than plan to stay glued to the computer screen in the hope that you might see one of your mates on camera, you might want to just pop in and out over the weekend.

Hope you enjoy the broadcasts.

We’ll also be Twittering to the Blog – limited to 140 characters, so don’t expect essays.

Spread the word to all your friends who weren’t able to make it along to Bestival this weekend.