High street Ventnor

Bollywood filming to continue filming in Ventnor next week: Detail of road closures

Residents and businesses in central Ventnor will be receiving letters in the next day or two with details about planned temporary road closures next week as Bollywood filming continues in the town.

There will be periodic diversions on Church Street between 30th January and 2nd February. Ventnor’s Mayor, Stephen Cockett, shares this edited down version.

Road closures
Every effort will be made to keep diversions short, and using Hambrough Road to feed traffic into the town.

  • Tuesday 1st February – Grove Road and Southgrove Road will be closed for just the morning.
  • 1st February will see a brief afternoon closure to Alpine Road.
  • Thursday 3rd February will see Pier Street closed on and off for the day, diversions will feed cars into Market Street, and traffic leaving the Esplanade will be diverted past the no entry signs and also onto Market Street. Esplanade will remain open.
  • Friday 4th February will see the High Street closed.

“We’ll want to re-open as quickly as possible”
The traffic management company say,

“We will have times when we can re-open the road, though some of these closures may be slightly longer whilst they clean up between shots.

“We’ll want to re-open as quickly as possible though so we don’t disrupt businesses as much.”

Businesses will remain open as usual. Don’t let the closures put you off coming to Ventnor next week.

Image: © Google Maps/Streetview