Brambles cricket match: Mid-Solent fun (photo gallery/video)

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Many thanks to Christian Beasley for sending through shots from last night’s Brambles cricket match that took place on Brambles sandbank in the middle of the Solent.

The cricket match, between the Royal Southern Yacht Club and the Island Sailing Club, takes place on the sandbank each year when the tides are low enough, although yesterday’s match looked a little wetter than usual. Royal Southern were lucky enough to have Sir Robin Knox-Johnson bowling for them last night.

RNLI rescue
Cowes RNLI, who had attended the match for safety reasons, were called into action when an eight-metre RIB which had been returning to Cowes after the match broke down due to an over-heated engine.

Morris men on Brambles
We were lucky enough to travel to Brambles with Hovertravel a few years ago, along with around 80 Morris Men, to witness probably the most bizarre performance of Morris dancing – see our photo gallery and videos of the event.

Readers may remember that last year Christian caught the cricket match on film. Luckily he had his trusty video camera with him last night as well.

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Image: © Used with the kind permission of Virtually Wight

Image: © Owen Buggy