Cafe Scientifique Returns: Prof Chris Rhodes on ‘What Happens When The Oil Runs Out’

The excellent Cafe Scientifique is coming back to the Isle of Wight after its summer break.

Plastic shopping cartsThe first in the new season will see Professor Chris Rhodes, a chemist with a background in the world of commerce as well as academia, will present “What Happens when the Oil Runs Out” on Monday 26 September.

Our society relies heavily on plastics and pharmaceuticals. As they in turn need oil to be produced, what will we do if oil becomes very expensive, or runs out?

He is a recommended speaker and it should be a very interesting talk.

You’ll love Cafe Scientifique
If you like to have your brain stimulated, you’ll love an evening at Cafe Scientifique.

You don’t need to know about the subject being discussed, just come along and listen (to get the idea, have a listen to some of the past presentations on the Island’s Cafe Scientifique site.

Full details of the evening are on Events on the Wight.

Unusually this meeting will be at the end of the month. Second Monday of the month is the normal date, as will be the October meeting.

Image: polycart under CC BY 2.0

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