Cafe Scientifique Talk Tonight With Dr Rita Tojeiro

If you’re looking for some intellectual stimulation, you can’t go far wrong at the regular monthly Cafe Scientifique meetings.

The universe The last meeting of the year takes place tonight at the Fighting Cocks pub near Arreton.

Dr Rita Tojeiro, a researcher in the Cosmology Department at Portsmouth University, will be crossing the Solent to give a talk on cosmology.

Mapping the Universe
She’ll be talking about the latest discoveries in ‘Mapping the Universe’ and the technology that has enabled us to extend our knowledge of the universe.

As well as presenting a talk, we understand that she’s also promised to show an interesting video.

Future events
There won’t be a meeting in December, so make the most of tonight’s as the next one will be 16th January 2012.

Cafe Scientifique evenings are free, but it is customary to ask participants at the end of the evening for a donation towards the cost of the speaker’s meal and/or travel expenses.

Book-sharing and car-sharing schemes have been set up to make life easier for Cafe Scientifique fans.

For more info get in touch with Pam on [email protected]

Image: Computer Science Geek under CC BY 2.0

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