girl on floor playing guitar

Calling all musicians: Join Acoustic Originals and support the Quay

From February Quay Arts Centre in Newport will be bringing back their popular ‘Acoustic Originals’ and ‘Songs in the Quay of…’ nights.

With the current Lockdown, and restrictions likely to continue for quite some time, they’ll be holding these evenings virtually.

Get involved
If you would like to contribute please get in touch via e-mail with Del ([email protected]) or by dropping a message through the QA Facebook page.

Dates for the evenings and themes for ‘Songs in the Quay of…’ will be announced next week.

Show your support
Don’t forget that you can show your support for the Quay by purchasing one of their brilliant T-Shirts or hoodies, or by making a donation.

Image: Hannah Gullixson under CC BY 2.0