Calling Island Musicians: Want To Get Involved With Charity CD?

The team who have been working on and looking after the Ventnor Skatepark are gearing up for a new wave of fund raising.

TransitionsThere’s been a huge amount of work to the skate park since its threatened closure in 2008 and this year it’s hoped enough money will be raised to eventually concrete the entire park.

Previous fund raisers have included music CDs in the form of Transitions Vol I and Transitions Vol II. Pulled together by John Cattle from Wight Trash, all the tracks (by Isle of Wight musicians) were donated free of charge the music CDs raised enough cash to carry out a fair amount of renovation.

Calling Island bands to be involved in Vol III
As the previous CDs did well to raise money, John is planning to organise Transitions Volume III.

Every penny from the sale of Transitions Vol III will go to the park, as will all monies raised from the launch gigs.

So if you’re an Island musician why not get involved?

If you’ve got a track that you can donate to the collection or have design or production skills do get in touch.

Join Ventnor Skatepark Support Group on Facebook to find out more.

Image: © Peter Downing