Floating bridge - High tide - Car leaving - 9 Oct 2014

Cars gingerly exiting Floating bridge due to very high tides (Video)

Just prior to the Floating bridge service bring suspended, Bella Joyner, from (the fantastically named) Girls for Sail, shot some footage from the front door of their offices.

It shows quite how high the tide was/is, as the cars crossing to the Cowes side had to dip their noses into the brine while getting off.

Foot passengers too
Foot passengers didn’t get away with it either, as Bella explained, “Passerelle was being used but the tide is so high that even that wasn’t stopping wet shoes!”

Floating bridge pedestrians using Passerelle

Currently suspended
The service is still suspended but Bella tells us that Girls for Sail will let OnTheWight know when the Floating bridge starts up again.

Update 13:49: Floating bridge is now back in action.

The video

Images: © Used with the kind permission of Girls of Sail