Royal Throne Post Box Topper in Rookley

Celebrate the Coronation with Isle of Wight’s themed knitted Post Box Toppers – Call for your snapshots (update 3)

In a delightful display of creativity, colourful knitted post box toppers have been popping up in neighbourhoods across the Isle of Wight in recent years.

These handcrafted woollen decorations, often featuring whimsical designs, are lovingly crafted by dedicated knitters and with the Coronation of King Charles III taking place on Saturday, we’ve noticed many related designs.

Click on images to see larger versions

Post Box Topper Tesco Freshwater
Outside Tesco in Freshwater

This humourous one was spotted in Rookley, but we’re sure there are many more around the Island, so do share your photos and we’ll create a gallery.

Post Box Toppers
The phenomenon, which started as a local project, has quickly gained momentum and spread to towns and cities throughout the country.

Royal Throne Post Box Topper in Rookley

The concept behind these charming creations is to bring a sense of joy and warmth to communities, brightening up the mundane task of posting letters.

A heart-warming trend
Knitters from all walks of life, including hobbyists and professionals alike, have joined forces to contribute to this heart-warming trend.

The intricate designs showcase a wide range of themes, from seasonal motifs and local landmarks to wildlife and abstract patterns.

Royal Throne Post Box Topper in Rookley

Knitted joy
The woollen adornments are often attached to the post boxes with non-permanent methods, ensuring that they can be easily removed without causing any damage.

Some of the creators have even taken to social media to share their designs and encourage others to join in, using hashtags like #PostBoxToppers and #KnittedJoy.

Royal Throne Post Box Topper in Rookley

Uplifting effect
Many have praised the initiative, noting the positive impact the toppers have on their daily lives and the uplifting effect on community spirit.

In some cases, local knitting groups have formed to collaborate on the toppers, fostering new friendships and promoting a sense of unity among residents.

Royal Throne Post Box Topper in Rookley

Share your photos
If you have interesting Post Box Toppers in your town or village, send your photos to [email protected] with details of your name and location.

Our thanks to Veronica Giblin for sharing these shots of the Post Box Topper in Newbridge.

Post Box Topper in Newbridge by Veronica Giblin
Post Box Topper in Newbridge by Veronica Giblin
Post Box Topper in Newbridge by Veronica Giblin
Post Box Topper in Newbridge by Veronica Giblin

Our thanks to Leif Marriner for sharing these shots from around the Island.

Totland Post Box Topper by Leif Marriner
Totland Post Box Topper by Leif Marriner
Shanklin Post Box Topper by Leif Marriner
Shanklin Post Box Topper by Leif Marriner
Gurnard Post Box Topper by Leif Marriner
Gurnard Post Box Topper by Leif Marriner
Freshwater Post Box Topper by Leif Marriner
Freshwater Post Box Topper by Leif Marriner
Whitepit Lane, Newport Post Box Topper by Leif Marriner
Whitepit Lane, Newport Post Box Topper by Leif Marriner
Mill Hill Cowes Post Box Topper by Leif Marriner
Mill Hill Cowes Post Box Topper by Leif Marriner
Kitchington Road Carisbrooke - Leif Marriner
Kitchington Road Carisbrooke – Leif Marriner
Carisbrooke Coop - Leif Marriner
Carisbrooke Coop – Leif Marriner

Thanks to News OnTheWight reader, Barbie Straker for sharing this post box topper captured in Ventnor.

Post Box Topper by Barbie Straker, Ventnor
Post Box Topper by Barbie Straker, Ventnor

Article edit
12pm 5th May 2023 – Photos from VG added
2.20pm 5th May 2023 – Photos from LM added
4.30pm 8th May 2023 – Photo from BS added