Celebrating 70 Years At Ventnor Library

Next month sees Ventnor Library’s 70th birthday take place.

Celebrating 70 Years At Ventnor LibraryEveryone is invited along to a tea party, which includes music (shhh) on the afternoon of Saturday 2nd October.

But this is not just about an invite to the party.

Share your Ventnor photos
Staff at the library are planning some great displays, but appeal to Ventnorians for any photos of Ventnor, or even better of the Library taken over the last 70 years, which they could copy and display.

They also love to record your reminiscences of the town and the Library, so if you are an old Ventnorian (or even not so old), get in touch with Tess or Tanith on 852039 or just drop in.

Don’t forget to say where you heard about it.

Image: protographer23 under CC BY 2.0