Cheverton Down Wind Turbine: The Next Stage

Cheverton Down Wind Turbine: The Next StageWhen VentnorBlog broke the story of the Cheverton Down Wind Farm re-starting, we didn’t think that the application would be moving that fast, but today we heard from Cornwall Light & Power (CLP).

Today they’ve submitted a scoping request to the Isle of Wight Council for three new wind turbines at Cheverton Down in Shorwell.

The scoping document sets out the technical and environmental investigations which will be undertaken as part of the environmental assessment.

Steve Allen, Development Manager at Cornwall Light & Power said, “The scoping request submission is a key milestone for us as we work towards our goal of securing a clean energy supply for the Isle of Wight.

“The next step will be to undertake environmental assessments to ensure that the proposed turbines will not have any adverse effects on their environment.”

The environmental assessment will be submitted with the planning permission application, which they hope will happen in the autumn.

Vestas will join in application
The site already has planning permission for three wind turbines, but for smaller older ones.

Interestingly the new planning application will be made jointly by CLP and the Island’s wind turbine manufacturers, Vestas.

It’s been commented on in the past that, given Vestas employ over 500 people on the Island, it’s a little strange that there are none of their products on the Wight.

The last application for a wind turbine, at Wellow Farm, raised a considerable level of local objection, leading to it being rejected by the planning committee.