Christmas Dinner On The Island

Christmas Dinner On The IslandWe’ve had a number of people asking us if we know where they can get a decent lunch on Christmas Day.

Well apart from round ours (natch*), we weren’t quite sure where to recommend.

One of our regular readers, Guiseppe also posed the question over on the forum (in fact he created the 1,001st thread in general chat), but as he only had a couple replies, we thought we’d put together a list of places across the Island who might be offering lunch on Christmas Day.

We reckon it’ll be a great resource for those of you who don’t fancy slaving over a hot stove all day, or for those coming to the Island for a Christmas break. Or maybe it’s about time you took your old Mum out and treated her to a slap up Christmas lunch without having to do the cooking or washing up?

If you’re a restaurant, pub or hotel planning to offer lunch on Christmas Day, get in touch through the contact form below and let us know and we’ll add you to our compilation. [CONTACT-FORM]

*Btw, that’s not an open invitation to come round ours on Christmas Day.