Most of you will have already taken down your Christmas decorations, but have you managed to take your tree to one of the recycling points yet?
The Council say that the recycling points have proved very popular this year and with only a few days left, if your tree is still stuck out by your back door, make sure you get to one of the recycling points by Friday 16th January.
Island Waste will be recycling the trees and using them to create quality compost, which you can buy back to use on your gardens.
Laura Kay, Isle of Wight Council Recycling and waste minimisation officer said:
“The compost created at Lynnbottom is safe, reliable and of a high standard and created wholly from the Island’s garden waste. The Christmas trees collected through the scheme are a welcome addition to the facility which produces around 1000 tonnes of compost per year.”
If you miss the recycling points listed below, you can still take your Christmas trees with other garden waste at the civic amenity sites as usual.
Skips can be found in car parks at ….
Brighstone Village
Ventnor Botanic Gardens
Lake New Road
Ryde Waltzing Waters
Cowes St Mary’s Road
East Cowes Esplanade