
Claims of five more faked signatures on UKIP candidate papers

It’s been claimed in a front page splash in the County Press today that a further five people have said they didn’t sign the nomination papers of Richard Wilkins, the UKIP candidate for Newport North.

The story was brought to light ten days ago when OnTheWight broke the story that Alan Wells, Chairman of the IW Conservatives, claimed in a letter that one of the people on Richard’s nomination paper hadn’t actually signed it.

Today’s CP ‘exclusive’ report claims they have spoken to the other five people, including Richard’s sister and brother in law, Carol and Alan Cave. While acknowledging a family feud, Carol Cave said, “I’m angry and upset. I don’t get on with him but I didn’t expect something like this. I felt I had no choice but go to the Police.”

Richard Wilkins is quoted as saying, “If there was a cliff I would jump off it. If this goes to court, we’re done for. I’m about to lose everything because of these people saying things. I can’t believe it. I feel sick.”

UKIP respond
OnTheWight contacted UKIP HQ for a response and were told, “The law is clear: Mr Wilkins would have to have knowingly submitted false signatures and there is no evidence for this and nor do we believe that this is the case.

“Any false allegations – whatever their motivation – will be treated very seriously by us, by Mr Wilkins and his solicitor.”

When approached this morning, Rose Bell, Chairman of UKIP IW, told OnTheWight, “Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence?”

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