Kevin Garlick working in his shop
Kevin Garlick © Paul Knights

Community encourages donations for shoemaker’s memorial in Spring Hill Gardens

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Following the sad death of shoemaker extraordinaire, Kevin Garlick, customers and friends are being encouraged to donate to a Memorial Fund.

The team at Occasions and Ventnor Post Office has organised a collection to put towards a memorial plaque for Kevin to be placed in Spring Hill Gardens.

“He deserves to be remembered”
Andy, Steve and the team at Occasions say,

“We had great chats at the Ventnor Post Office whilst Kevin was posting his creations world wide.

“I think he deserves to be remembered in a small way. So I have proposed a little plaque for Kevin in the shape of a shoe next to a tree in Spring Hill Gardens and the council have agreed….. If I can raise the funds.

“So………….We need your help !!!

“We are doing a collection for Kevin’s Memorial at Occasions and Ventnor Post Office to help raise the required funds.

“If you would like to contribute please donate a little of what you can afford at the shop counter at the Post Office.”

Earlier in the year the community rallied round to raise more than £2,000 to contribute to ‘a good send off for Kevin’, so it’s hoped that Ventnorians will be able to pop in and make a donation.

The Shoemaker
Filmed back in 2022, this beautiful film by Paul Knights captures the essence of Kevin.