Community Fund and raffle set up for victims of Ventnor fire (Updated)

The tragic circumstance of the fire at Clarendon Court in Ventnor has once again shown the strong community spirit that exists in Ventnor.

Local resident, Maria Sexton, has set up The Clarendon Court Fund (and Facebook Page) to help the six families who have been made homeless (three from fire damage, the other three from water damage), due to the fire that started on Thursday evening.

£350 £545 already donated
We understand that Nigel from the florists in Ventnor presented the Fund with £350 yesterday, all of which was collected from local businesses.

Update 12:21 We chatted to Maria Sexton who has been organising the Facebook page and the raffle – she told us that the current total is running at £545.

As well as donating to the collection, residents and businesses have given lots of great items for a raffle that will take place tomorrow (Sunday 23rd at 4pm) at the St Boniface Arms in Ventnor (more needed if you can donate anything).

All proceeds from the raffle will go to the residents, as well as all the money donated by Islanders to the Fund.

Great prizes
Tickets for the raffle are £1 per strip and prizes include, hair cut and blow-dry, clothing, curtains, artwork, wine, toys, vouchers for meals at local pubs and cafes, hamper, toaster, cakes, vouchers to spend in Ventnor shops.

Raffle tickets can be bought from The St Boniface Arms, Tinto, The Blenheim. The3re are also collection boxes in The Spar and some of the pubs.

Updated 12:21: Added extra detail after discussion with Maria Sexton