james brewer, ian dore and lora peacey wilcox

Community rallies to find solutions to Binstead flooding issues

More than 120 local residents attended a community drop-in session on Monday at Binstead Community Centre to hear more about plans to tackle flooding in Binstead.

The four-hour session was an opportunity for people to speak directly to representatives from the Isle of Wight council, Southern Water, Island Roads and the Environment Agency.

Local member, Cllr Ian Dore, said he was flabbergasted with the turnout. He said,

“It was like full Squadron Parade!

“The attendance was steady from when the doors opened, right up to when they closed.”

Council leader, Cllr Lora Peacey-Wilcox, also attended the session to hear first-hand how residents in Binstead had suffered at the hands of nature. She said,

“Cllr Dore, supported by James Brewer from the planning office and the other associated agencies, has been spearheading this from July last year, doing an incredible job driving it forward.”

In terms of next steps, the multi-agency team will be reviewing all of the comments captured at the event which included some useful local intelligence on historic watercourses, land drainage patterns and flooding impacts.

In light of the views expressed at the drop-in session, the list of flood mitigation options will be further reviewed to ensure that those with the most impact are taken forward. Further details will be provided in the New Year as to the timings of any works taking place.

Cllr Dore added,

“I would like to personally thank the residents that fed into the recent flood investigation report and to those who made the effort to come out and air their views.”