Cllr Joe Robertson - Bembridge

Conservative Group takes council to task for price rises and service cuts

Cllr Joe Robertson, leader of the Conservative group of councillors shares this latest news, in his own words. Ed

The Conservative Group on the Isle of Wight council have reacted to the Budget proposals put forward by the Alliance Group last week.

They have criticised the council for wasting money which they say has led to price hikes and cuts to vital services that did not need to happen. The group of 17 councillors have also taken the council to task for writing-off sums they say could have been recovered, such as £350,000 spent on the cancelled Tour of Britain contract.

Rises in parking charges and costs to bereavement services are some of the price increases coming in for criticism, together with a cut in support for people forced to travel to the mainland for medical appointments.

Robertson: The Budget makes grim reading
Conservative Group Leader Cllr Joe Robertson said,

“The Budget makes grim reading because the Alliance-led council has not kept its own house in order. No amount of complaining and pointing the finger at others will make up for the fact that the council is squandering money it already has, and writing-off money it is owed, while hiking council tax to the maximum for hard-pressed Islanders.

“The council failed to ask for a single penny back of the £350,000 it spent on the Tour of Britain contract that was cancelled last year. At the same time the Budget proposes to hike fees in bereavement services by £300,000 and cut support to those forced to travel to the mainland for medical appointments.

“The council is currently spending £1.3 million on replacing windows, heating and lighting at County Hall which sits half empty and could be redeveloped for affordable homes and retail. Meanwhile the Alliance want to hike parking charges to the tune of £340,000 which amounts to a tax on high street shopping at a time when small businesses are trying to recover from the effects of Covid. The council’s housing company set up to benefit from low-interest Government money remains dormant with no business plan and not a penny borrowed which could deliver hundreds of new social homes like we are seeing in Portsmouth. Instead the Alliance proposes spending £700,000 of the council’s own cash to re-house people in temporary accommodation.”

Quirk: What assurances can the Alliance give that they will actually stick to the Budget this year
Cllr Chris Quirk, the Conservative’s Finance Spokesman, said,

“Presenting a balanced Budget is all very well, but with an overspend and raid on reserves last year to the tune of £6 million, what assurances can the Alliance give that they will actually stick to the Budget this year?

“Since being elected nearly two years ago they have depleted the council’s reserves and they cannot afford another substantial over-spend in the coming year.

“That is the hard reality of failing to manage the council’s finances properly.” 

The Budget is due to be debated and voted on at the next meeting of Full Council on 22nd February.