Conservative Party ‘Weather Vane’ Policies Undermine Island Education

Press Release From Councillor Melanie Swan, Elected Member for Mount Joy.

As the Isle of Wight Conservative Councillors Group announce plans to shelve controversial education changes until after the next election, a dissident former Conservative Councillor described the new proposals as hypocritical plans hatched in desperation.

I could hardly believe what I heard. David Pugh’s leadership has already subjected the Island to unprecedented levels of misery and uncertainty because of one ‘about turn’ on policy. Now he announces another one!

This Council should have been investing its efforts in improving education on the Island in order to make a proper evaluation of what changes, if any, were needed. That was what we said we would do in the last election.

Instead, the current administration caused widespread worry and confusion by dragging the Island through a back-to-front process, ending up where it should have started – asking people what they actually want!

The people of the Isle of Wight have already seen the current leadership reneging on Manifesto commitments. How can anyone trust promises made by people who seem to change their minds depending on which way they think the wind’s blowing!

Looking at the record since David Pugh seized power, I’m not persuaded by this sudden change of heart and will be standing as an Independent candidate in the next Council election. However, I continue to be a committed supporter of our excellent MP, Andrew Turner, who has always shown real integrity and commitment to the Island whether in the education or any other debate.”

Issued on 01/07/08 by Councillor Melanie Swan,
Elected Member for Mount Joy, Isle of Wight Council
124 Carisbrooke Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1DF
T: 01983 530894 M 07976009488

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