
Council to bid for sports funding

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

Sport England has made millions of pounds available under its Community Sport Activation Fund with the intention being that organisations across the country provide grassroots sporting activities at a local level.

Should the bid be successful, the council will look at setting up a diverse range of sporting activities in Ryde, Sandown, East Cowes, Ventnor and Newport, encouraging the local community to take part.

The council’s bid is supported by members of the Isle of Wight Sports and Physical Activity Group.

Aimed at all ages
The sporting activities will be aimed at all ages and be across the board. This will include events purely for young or older people, working mums or single parents for example. The sports could range from the mainstream such as football, cricket and racquet sports, to fitness activities such as yoga, Zumba and spin-fit.

Community spirit is alive and well
Councillor Luisa Hillard, the council’s Cabinet member responsible for sustainability said:

“At a time when the council is facing severe financial pressures, this potential grant to provide sports activities will be very welcome should the local authority be successful in its bid.

“As Cabinet member and also the ward member for East Cowes, I am very proud of how local residents have pulled together to support the application. For example in my ward there were strong letters of support from myself, Queensgate Foundation Primary, the Studio School and the town council. Community spirit is alive and well.”

The council will also look to work with local organisations should the bid be successful. These would include the voluntary sector such as sport or community clubs.

Sport England are likely to let the council know in April if its funding request has been accepted.

Image: Francois Peeters under CC BY 2.0