Isle of Wight council members will hear an update on proposed spending for Cowes Enterprise College at their meeting next Wednesday.
This will be immediately followed by an extraordinary Executive meeting to take on board the comments from members, before making a decision on how to proceed with the remaining works required to the £32m school.
The recommendation
The paper (embedded below) sets out all the background and options on the table. It looks likely the council will go no further that then agreement at the May Executive meeting, that is, to spend around £1.5m on urgent works from the remaining £32m budget.
The onus of completing other works and meeting planning conditions would fall to the new owners Ormiston Academies Trust.
The following recommendation is being made by officers:
That Full Council consider the options set out in the report and agree that no
additional funding be allocated above that already agreed as part of the
budget framework and recommend to the Executive that:-Option 3 (a)
As option 1 but conclude the commission with HCCPS at the end of December 2014 and cease all further involvement with the capital project, other than making direct payments in respect of agreed work up to the budget figure as set out in Table 1 and supporting Ormiston Academies Trust in their bid to the EFA for additional resources. Ormiston Academies Trust are then free to commission HCCPS to continue with the remaining elements of the work if they so wish.OR
Option 3 (b)
As option 1 but conclude the commission with HCCPS at the end of December 2014 and cease all further involvement with the capital project other than making direct payments in respect of agreed work up to the budget figure as set out in Table 1,Net of any further costs arising from the administrators and/or non-recovery of the amount paid in error, and supporting Ormiston Academies Trust in their bid to the EFA for additional resources. Ormiston Academies Trust are then free to commission HCCPS to continue with the remaining elements of the work if they so wish
The paper
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