Council issue measles advice for parents


This in from the council, in their own words, Ed

Island parents are being urged to make sure their children are fully vaccinated against measles as concern grows about the national rise in cases.

Although no cases have been reported on the Island as yet, vaccination levels here followed national trends and fell sharply during 1997-2006. Children aged 10 -16 years are therefore most susceptible to measles infection.

Smith: “Extremely infectious and potentially serious”
“Measles is an extremely infectious and potentially serious disease, but one that is preventable through the MMR vaccine,” said Dr Jennifer Smith, the Island’s director of public health.

“The only way to prevent measles outbreaks is to make sure there is good uptake of the MMR vaccine across all ages. We are urging residents not to panic but to be prepared and take this opportunity to protect their children before the tourist season increases the risk of spread of the virus.”

Contact your GP
Dr Smith said: “Our advice to parents is that if their children have not had the full course of vaccine (two doses), they should contact their GP to arrange this to be done. Similarly, if they have any doubt as to whether their children have been vaccinated at all – or only in part – then they should also contact their GP who will have the necessary records.”

Further information about measles is available via the following link;

Image: USACE Europe under CC BY 2.0