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A Level celebrations at Cowes Enterprise College (updated)

This in from Cowes Enterprise College, in their own words, Ed

Students and staff at Cowes Enterprise College are celebrating improvements in their GCE A-level results at the end of their second year as a trust school.

99.2% of students achieved A2 Level grades of which 34.3% are A*-B grades. The average point scores per entry also improved from last year’s results from 189 to 205.

Students and their teachers have worked exceedingly hard
Interim Executive Principal, Christine Hardman, was delighted to congratulate all the students who have achieved outstanding results – not just those with the highest grades, but all those who have fulfilled their potential. Commenting, she said:

“Students and their teachers have worked exceedingly hard this year to gain these results, and they can take great pride in their achievements.

“I would like to wish all students at Cowes Enterprise College my very best wishes as they go on to either university places in September or to full time employment.”

Outstanding results
Particular praise goes to the following students who have achieved outstanding individual results: David Price achieved 2 A*s, 1A at A level and a B at AS level, Michael Whitcutt achieved 3 As at A level and a B at AS level, Daisy Turton achieved 1A, 2 Bs at A level and a C at AS level, Leo Nutter achieved 3 Bs at A level and a C at AS level, Angga Dewantara achieved 3Bs at A level and 2 Cs at AS level, Harrison Collier Bain achieved 2 Distinctions and a Merit in BTEC courses, Hannah Carter achieved 2 Distinction stars in BTEC and 2 Bs at A level and B at AS level, Shane Butt achieved 3 B’s at A level and Phillipa Rock achieved 3 Distinctions in BTEC.

Impressive AS Results
The achievements of our Year 12’s and their AS results are equally impressive with students setting the path to outstanding attainment in their A level courses.

Particular praise goes to: Jack Wood achieved 4 A grade passes, James Watson achieved 3 As and a C, Jennifer Stokell achieved 4 A grades and a C grade, Alice Greenen achieved 3 A grades and a C grade and James Doig achieved 3 A grades and a B grade.

We are delighted to report that the vast majority of students have secured the university place of their choice and have very promising futures ahead of them.

Fantastic result for all involved
Chair of Governors Rachael Fidler said

“I would like to congratulate all of the students and teachers who have worked very hard to achieve this great set of results. It is a fantastic result for all involved.”

Congratulations also to Chloe Johnson who achieved 1 A and 2 Bs at A level and 1 B at AS Level