Cowes Enterprise College 2014 A-level results

Cowes Enterprise College students get ‘best ever A-Levels results’

This in from Cowes Enterprise College, in their words – Ed.

Cowes Enterprise College are celebrating our best ever A level results with students smashing targets and achieving a record number of A level passes at A* or A.

The figure of 34% is well over twice as high as last year and 8% above the national average. 100% of students are going on to study a course of their choice or follow their chosen career path. We are particularly proud of the partnership between our supportive parents, fantastic staff and our incredibly hard working students. The overall pass rate at A level was 99.9%.

There have been some amazing individual success stories that have included Marston Hillier who has achieved 3 A*’s at A level and 2 A’s at AS level. He is planning to study medicine at Imperial College, London.

Jenny Stokell has achieved 1 A* and 3 A’s at A level and will be reading History at the London School of Economics.

Studying midwifery at Surrey will be Megan Inett with A’s in History, English Language and English Literature.

As well as these outstanding A level results our students have performed equally successfully in their vocational qualifications. For example Emily Jennings who achieved triple distinctions in her Business Studies course and is going to study Tourist Management at Royal Holloway, University of London.

As we move forward to become an Ormiston Academy we are really excited about what the future holds for our new school. We are looking forward to building on these excellent results and ensuring that all of our students’ dreams will come true.

Chair of governors Rachael Fidler stated that

“On behalf of the governing body I would like to say how pleased and proud we are to see the progress students have made at Cowes Enterprise College this year, and particularly as it moves to join Ormiston Academies Trust. We would like to congratulate all our students on these impressive results, which is the result of a lot of hard work and dedication from staff, students and from Ormiston.”

Professor Toby Salt, CEO of Ormiston Academies Trust added:

“Staff and students have both worked incredibly hard to get these results, which are very well deserved. It has been a great pleasure to work with the principal, staff, students and governors of Cowes Enterprise College this year, and we look forward to building on these successes as the college converts to an Ormiston academy in September.”