Cracking Chip and Pin At This Week’s Maths Society Meeting

The next meeting of the Isle of Wight Maths Society takes place tomorrow (Thursday 16th June).

Credit card of the futureFreshwater resident, Chris Jarman will be presenting a talk titled, Cracking CHIP and PIN.

CHIP and PIN was originally developed as a joint VISA, MasterCard & Europay programme and first published to great acclaim 15 years ago (EMV).

100’s of millions of CHIP and PIN cards are now in regular use worldwide and the roll out continues.

Chris will review the underlying Cryptography and Mathematics of the security embedded within CHIP and PIN and examine the voracity of various attack scenarios.

Chris will conclude with a summary of impending developments for CHIP and PIN that provide options for additional security and incremental risk.

Nodehill School will once again play host for the meeting which starts at 7.00 for 7.30 pm.

Image: Robert Scoble under CC BY 2.0

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