Nodehill Pupils Are Mathletics Champions

Whilst we’re on the subject of maths, there were cheers all round at Nodehill Middle School a couple of weeks ago, as year seven pupils at the school were crowned UK maths champions.

MathleticsThe accolade came as a result of pupils working on the Mathletics Website.

Maths teacher, Mrs Hanson, recently introduced “Mathletics” to the year six pupils, after year seven and eight groups had been working on it since March.

What is Mathletics?
If you’d not heard of Mathletics before, Mrs Hanson explains how it works.

“The website is set up for age-related work throughout the whole school career, up to sixth form. It has different sections – task-based using the National curriculum, playing ‘live’ competitively with other students around the world, collecting points to spend, games to play, and more.” she said.

The work can be monitored by the teacher who can also set specific tasks. Mrs Hanson went on to say, “Certificates can be gained on a weekly basis and the children have found the website extremely motivating.”

Number One in UK
That motivation certainly paid off two weeks ago when the class worked together to reach number one class in the UK.

They carried on working well and gained second position the following week, with the year eight class in position three that week too.

Mrs Hanson went on to say, “The website is excellent for consolidating basic skills in mathematics as well as working on other topics. It has made a noticeable difference to their mental agility and also their enjoyment and enthusiasm for maths! It is most certainly a resource that I will want to continue using.”

Mrs Hanson’s year seven class is currently 6th in the top 50 classes and her year six class is 25th in the leaderboard.

Well done to everyone involved, it’s encouraging to see such great achievements from Island pupils.

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