Crime & Intrigue Short Story Writing Competition 2012

Next week sees the official launch of The Wight Fair Writers Circle latest writing competition.

TypewriterCrime and Intrigue is the theme of the competition which is open to all ages and promises cash prizes for those selected by the judges as have produced the best entries.

You’ve got nearly three months to harness the creative juices and perfect your masterpiece as entries must be in by 27th May. The award ceremony will take place on 27th June 2012.

The Adult category features a first place of £75, £50 second place and £25 third place.

Over 12 and Under 18s have £50 for first place, £25 for second place and £10 for third place. In addition there’ll be five further places winning £10 book tokens.

Finally the under 12s category promises a £30 first place prize, £20 second place and £10 third place prize with five further places winning £10 book tokens.

How to enter
Entry into the competition will cost you just £4 per adult story and £2 for under 18s with all proceeds going to The Isle of Wight Homeless, IW Young Carers and Carisbrooke Priory.

Entry forms & rules can be obtained by:-e-mail: [email protected]

For further information call Carol Bridgestock on (01983) 402393 or Maggie Jones (01983) 840899. Or collect an application form from Waterstones, 118 High Street, Newport.

Image: The Giant Vermin under CC BY 2.0

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