HM Coastguard Ventnor Launches New Website

The Ventnor Coastguard is made up of twelve volunteers from a variety of backgrounds.

Ventnor Coastguard websiteWe’ve probably all seen the blue and yellow van around, or even perhaps seen the Coastguards out on call around the area at some point or another.

Now we can find out more and see what the team have been up to through their new online presence.

Lots of interesting information
The Ventnor Coastguard Website features details of all call-outs, photos of the team, details of the kit needed as well as a history of HM Coastguard Ventnor.

The team are on call via pagers 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year to respond to all kinds of incidents large or small with some team members being involved for 30+ years.

Check out the Ventnor Coastguard Website