Daft Old Duffer: An Isle Of Wight Mayor?

So the plan for the Island to have two members of Parliament looks like it’ll be chucked into the rubbish bin.

Not, you’ll notice because of what we may want or not want.

Not because it will be good for us; and not because it will be of benefit to the cause of democracy.

But because one big-bully upper class schoolboy wouldn’t let his little mate have a go at the wicket, despite all manner of sucking up attempts by little mate.

So little mate has thrown a sulk and taken his ball home with him.

Presuming the whole idea will lay in some dusty Whitehall cupboard somewhere for at least the foreseeable future,what about this for an alternative:

What about a Mayor for the Isle Of Wight?
Yes, I know we’ve already got town mayors but I’m sorry, pretty they may look in their regalia but as a political, or any other kind of force, they are entirely useless.

Handy for photo shoots and opening things but totally ignored by our political masters at Newport.

An Island Mayor on the other hand, voted into office by the population of the Island – and nobody else – must surely be an improvement over young Pugh, slotted into office by the diktat of Conservative Central.

Or would he, or she, end up just another London approved appointee, obeying whatever smooth con man was currently residing in no 10?

Your thoughts on a fire proof postcard please. And no spitting.

Image: Farnando Takai under CC BY 2.0