Daft Old Duffer: Britain’s Bright Future?


Daft Old Duffer returns. Guest opinion articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the publication. Ed

I’ve been puzzling over the latest figures for school truancy here on the Island.

The dismal employment prospects are an obvious reason for pupils to skip class. I am sure teachers must blush each time they endeavour to explain why scholastic achievement is desirable.

But that applies equally to plenty of other places. So why do we log over twice as many absent as anywhere else?

Seasonal jobs offer weekly cash
I think one of the reasons may be that here on the Island job opportunities do pop up for a few brief weeks every summer – in hotels, restaurants, cafes and shops. Jobs which do not require the academic qualifications teachers insist are so essential.

Thus the career opportunities offered our youngsters consist of spending most of the year on SS pocket money, with a nice little extra-earner available for a couple of months for those who want it. No skills needed.

Working alongside graduates
And further, whilst performing those pocket money jobs every summer, they are quite likely to find themselves sharing the chores with a classmate who did in fact earn some qualifications, even perhaps went up to Uni and gained a degree. And is now back earning no more, and looking forward to no brighter a future.

So, why bother?

Proper jobs are the only answer
It is a situation to which there is no solution. At least until the magical day when jobs – proper jobs – do arrive. If ever. Except perhaps by moving away onto the mainland, which some have done.

But even then they have to be lucky if they are to succeed.

No wonder some drink too much, smoke the weed, get into rowdy mischief

I think it likely I would do the same, in their hopeless position.

Image: icanteachyouhowtodoit under CC BY 2.0