Daft Old Duffer: Dale Farm

Daft Old Duffer is back with his weekly opinion column, it is, as always, thought provoking. Ed

We’ve all, I suppose, formed strong views about the Travellers entrenched at Dale Farm.

Either they’re helpless victims of a heartless bureaucracy, struggling to live peacefully in their own homes, or they’re calculating breakers of the laws we must all obey.

But whatever our viewpoint, I think we have overlooked the real villains in this drama. The lawyers.

The lawyers got involved
When the saga began, it was a simple, black and white matter of planning permission not obtained. And no matter whose side anyone was on, it was an affair that could and should have been settled within a few weeks.

But of course, the legal profession got involved and, as is their usual wont, proceeded to spin it all out for over ten years.

A lot can happen in ten years
Ten years in which children were born and grew up, unquestioningly accepting that this was their natural and proper home.

Ten years in which children grew into young men and women,got married themselves,and began the next generation just like anyone else.

Ten years in which the Travellers,whether right or wrong must have come increasingly to believe that in the end everything would be resolved in their favour.

And at the very end,when all seemed lost our bewigged and overfed friends contrived to stretch the agony out even further by producing the inevitable trick of the very last minute injunction.

The game is different with law
Can you think of any other profession where the chairman or managing director, having called in and examined all the facts of a situation and heard all the contrasting opinions, has made his final decision.

Then, just as everyone is about to put his decision into practice, some chap at the back of the room has jumped up and said – “hold on a minute, I’ve go this argument to put which I’ve been deliberately holding back until the last second, just to spin things out.”

He’d be lucky to get away with no more than instant dismissal

A mutually profitable harangue
Yet in the legal club such a deliberate trick is not only condoned, it is expected. When the Supreme Beings make what is purported to be their final and absolute ruling they know full well it is no such thing. But just another step in the mutually profitable harangue.

Another legal trick to carry on riding the gravy train

You may argue that these lawyers are doing no more than their sworn duty of protecting the vulnerable. But I’ve lived too long to believe any of that malarkey. The whole thing has been spun out, exactly as in all such situations, so the guys in the smart suits and the squares of carpet borne upon their regal heads can earn their exorbitant fees -and gain their invaluable reputation as the one to hire if you’re planning something a bit dodgy.

They care not a jot for their clients and after it’s all blown over, they will gather together for a round of mutual congratulation and a hope they can all do it again some day soon.

Image: Claire Dancer under CC BY 2.0