Daft Old Duffer: I Don’t Like It, So It Shouldn’t Be Allowed

Daft Old Duffer is back and he’s had enough of what he calls ‘fame seekers’ drowning out those who are genuinely aggrieved. Ed

Stop complaining graffitiIf you watched the documentary about the Great Barrier Reef you will probably be as fascinated as I was over that huge Grouper fish drifting around ready to gulp down anything that crossed it’s path.

While those tiny wrasse swam in and around the monstrous mouth intently feeding off whatever they could find.

But of course we don’t need to go to Australia to witness such a sight. We have our very own Grouper right here, in the shape of Jeremy Clarkson, mooching about taking great bites out of any person or institution or way of life that catches his eye. Thoroughly enjoying himself as the money rolls in.

And the Wrasse
With the wrasse ‘cleaner fish’ role being eagerly filled by those who promptly pop up on the TV to condemn him whenever he opens that deliberately tactless mouth.

The puzzle for me is, how do these individuals get on the telly so quickly? Do they ring up and volunteer to be upset to camera? Or do the Beeb keep a list of volunteer complainers, ever ready to give a quote to camera?

Are they rehearsed, perhaps even scripted? They certainly seem very glib, with nary a stumbled over word,or a garbled sentence.

Fifteen minutes of fame
I can’t avoid the suspicion they are – many of them at least them – more interested in their few seconds of fame than in anything Clarkson might say.

Clarkson is of course not the only target.

We’ve all just heard our Prime Minister,David Cameron apologising for comparing Ed Ball to a someone suffering from Tourettes.

Why? We all know that Tourette victims suffer from uncontrollable movements and noise. But why is Cameron saying that Balls is behaving like that an insult to Tourettes sufferers?

It isn’t of course. Any more than calling me a fool is an insult to the slow-witted, or a b*****d an insult to everyone who doesn’t know his dad.

Drowned out by fame seekers
There are of course many out there who are genuinely aggrieved by the way society treats them, and have a right, indeed a duty, to speak up.

But they are in danger of being drowned out by a whole bunch of fame seekers, all ready to espouse any cause that will bring them a spurt of publicity by condemning anyone who simply speaks their mind,in the language and the country of their fathers.

I for one am growing increasingly sick of it. And I think it’s about time everyone else got that way too.

Image: Aturkus under CC BY 2.0