Daft Old Duffer: Jekyll And Hyde

He’s had a break since the beginning of the month, but Daft Old Duffer is back with his musings on life. Ed

For some years now I’ve been living in disguise.

The disguise is that of a shuffling -along old muppet, head down, dribbling a bit and mumbling.

The reality, hidden deep inside, is of a twenty something jack-the-lad still very interested in women and motorbikes and cars.

Thanks to my disguise I can do nothing about the women. Even looking too long can bring dirty-old-man glares (Though just occasionally one will catch my eye, see the glint there and suppress a smile.It is a compliment after all).

Motorbikes I gave up on voluntarily as I was carted off to the hospital a couple of years ago. Contemplating a full insurance write-off as well as a couple of cracked bones, I decided that at my (outward) age, enough was enough.

That left cars.

Design of the Shelby Cobra
And if I bought one it would have to be an open top sportster. It was I, after all that was responsible for the design of the Shelby Cobra, the most satisfyingly beautiful vehicle ever produced on any planet anywhere at any time.

I know this for a fact because it was only a year or two after I sketched the first outline inside the back cover of my school exercise book that the final result outpaced Ferrari.

You don’t believe me?

I don’t care.

Finally however, I’ve decided not to buy one of those either. The vision of my wizened old features peering out over the top of a windscreen, long scarf trailing behind and grey hair glinting in the sun just comes across as too ridiculous. I think, after much thought. I’ll stick to my bus pass.

There are quite a number of good things going for getting old. But getting old isn’t one of them.

Return of the roar
So Tiger Woods is back on the scene, bracing himself no doubt for a renewed storm of condemnation for being a naughty boy.

I must tell you, If I had known long ago that unlimited totty was on tap just for carrying around a bag of funny shaped walking sticks and a pocketful full of balls (pun intended) I would have taken to wearing silly trousers myself.